It looks like Marvel’s building what will be, for all practical purposes, two cinematic universes. The first is the big,...
Three characters down, two to go. Ever since Marvel kicked off the street level side of the MCU with Daredevil on...
2016 is almost over and to celebrate we here at The Marvel Report are looking back at our favorite Marvel...
MOON KNIGHT #12 Writer: Jeff Lemire Penciller: Greg Smallwood Colorist: Jordie Bellaire Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit Rating: T+ Price: $3.99...
MOON KNIGHT #1 Written by: Jeff Lemire Pencils by: Greg Smallwood Colors by: Jordie Bellaire Letters by: VC’s Cory...
So after a little down time from the Hell’s Kitchen event Avengers Academy is has now literally gone to Hell....
MOON KNIGHT #11 Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Greg Smallwood Color Artist: Jordie Bellaire Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit Release Date: 02/01/17...
Written by: Jeff Lemire Artists: Greg Smallwood, Wilfredo Torres, Francesco Francavilla, and James Stokoe Color Artists: Jordie Bellaire, MIchael Garland,...
So here it is, the final chapter of the Halloween event. So first off I need to mention something I...
Well, here we are. New York Toy Fair 2017 has come and gone and continues to amaze as more and...