DC Films Podcast – Episode 34: Soft Return

Apologies for the short hiatus, but the podcast is back as Wonder Woman is getting closer and closer to hitting theaters. On this episode, Roy and Sark are joined by The Flash Podcast’s Andy Behbakht to discuss a few quick news items for DC Films, from Batman v Superman making new records at the Blu-Ray sales to Diane Lane’s taken-out-of-context about Justice League vs Avengers. In addition to that, Roy bids the listeners farewell, for now, as he will be taking a break from the show and return in the near future. That and more on the latest episode of the podcast!

“DC Films Podcast, a product of DC TV Podcasts and DC Comics News/Dark Knight News, is dedicated to covering the DC Comics movies in the DC Extended Universe. Hosted by Sark Sharkskin, Roy Ranous, Shaina Lucas, and Jessica Rossi the podcast features the latest news, rumors, speculation and reviews. DC Films Podcast is not affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Pictures. Logos and artwork featuring DC Comics characters or properties, are trademark of DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures.”

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Special Shout Outs: Mike Schmidt who did the composing of the DC Films Podcast theme song and David Jones for designing the podcast logo