DC Films Podcast DCTV Charity 2017: Future DCEU Franchises

On this episode of DC Films Podcast, Sark Sharkskin and Shaina Lucas are joined by Rebecca Johnson (of Supergirl Radio) and Andy Behbakht (of The Flash Podcast) for the DC TV Podcasts’ third annual charity podcast marathon as the network teamed up with the World Wildlife Fund this year in a live marathon on Saturday, June 17. During the live-show, the gang chats about the future of DC Films with several upcoming franchises that have been announced.

Throughout the discussion, they talk about what they expect and hope to see from Shazam, Cyborg, Green Lantern Corps, Justice League Dark, The Flash, The Batman, Man of Steel 2, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing, Batgirl and more. That and more on the latest episode of DC Films Podcast!

On behalf of everyone here at DC TV Podcasts: a big thank you to everyone who donated and participated in the live-chat throughout the whole day! Winners of the raffle giveaways will be announced very shortly so be sure to stay tuned on the DC TV Podcasts social media for the official announcement. While the fundraiser did hit its goal, you can still donate and help the network reach $2000 for World Wildlife Fund at http://wwf.worldwildlife.org/goto/dctvpodcasts!

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Special Shout Outs: Mike Schmidt who did the composing of the DC Films Podcast theme song and David Jones for designing the podcast logo