The Acolyte Season 1 – Episode 8 “The Acolyte” Review

WARNING: Spoilers for the season finale of The Acolyte.

“Always one, but born as two.”

Master Sol readies for a duel on Brendock in the Acolyte

Full Circle

The finale of The Acolyte delivered one of (arguably) the best finales of any Star Wars show on Disney+ to date. After some topsy-turvy narrative choices, the story that began on the planet Brendock ends where it started. The episode starts with Osha having a vision of Mae killing Master Sol, completing her training as an Acolyte of the Sith. Qimir is possessed similarly to how Mother Aniseya took control over Torbin in previous episodes. Qimir and Osha decide to embark together to find Mae. However, they are not alone on the mysterious Cortosis island.

Another Master

Looming in the darkness, watching from afar a mysterious figure with yellow eyes gazes upon the two before they embark. The facial structure is that of a Muun. There’s only one Muun who could’ve been operating during this time, and it is the manipulative master who taught Sheev Palpatine. Darth Plagueis has finally been introduced into Star Wars as a live-action character for the first time. The narrative this season is how Osha and Mae were created through the force, and Darth Plageuis taught to his pupil before meeting his death. If The Acolyte gets renewed for a second season, it’s safe to assume the machinations of Darth Plagueis could be further explored.

Darkness & Light

The finale is full of intense well-choreographed action. After Sol and Mae crash back onto Brendock, it is nothing but emotional & intense duels and rematches. Most prominently, the rematch between Qimir and Sol is one for the books. Compared to previous duels in either the films or other shows, this is one of the best. Comparatively, this is on par with the duel of the fates in The Phantom Menace. From execution, all the way to blade skill and editing, this fight in this finale is a top-tier lightsaber duel. One of the most impressive features of this show is the combat choreography.

Sibling Strife

Osha and Mae also reunite and have their differences settled. In combative form and after a tense conversation, the twins have a very Matrix-inspired fight. During the fight, Mae tells Osha the truth about the death of their mother and how Sol was the one who killed her. In a moment of pause, Mae pursues Sol who is in combat with Qimir and Osha follows. This fight between the two has been building up all season, and ultimately these two sisters came together in the end.

Ascension Complete

In the wake of the fight with Qimir, Mae disarms Master Sol. Sol reveals the truth: Being the one responsible for the death of Mother Aniseya. Osha hears this, grabs the lightsaber, and force-chokes Sol to death, also inadvertently performing the lightsaber bleeding technique. Osha’s descent into the dark side begins here, and there is no going back. Visually, watching a lightsaber change color was incredible. Watching Sol die, was slightly heartbreaking, however, Sol brought this on himself by withholding very important information about Osha’s past from her. This all leads to more Jedi corruption.

Jedi Facade

Jedi Master Vernestra gets word of Sol’s location and heads to Brendock with a clan of Jedi. Upon arrival, they discover Sol’s body. Vernestra senses Qimir, and the implication seems to be that Qimir is the former padawan of Vernestra. Upon returning to Coruscant, Vernestra covers up the events of Brendock and Sol’s prior acts regarding the twins entirely on him. This shows another side of the Jedi that is not touched on. They are not the perfect peacekeeping units in the galaxy as they are often perceived to be. The final frame of the show falls on Vernestra meeting with Master Yoda, presumably to discuss the reality of the situation regarding her former apprentice. A very fitting end to this season.

What’s Next for The Acolyte?

The Acolyte first season has come to an end. What is to come from this next? The show has showcased a very gray area on both sides of the force. The Jedi are not squeaky clean, and the dark side is not completely sinister and downright evil. If there is to be a second season, the avenues and possibilities present are vast. Ultimately, this show shines a light on the dark side in a more prominent fashion, and I imagine showing Darth Plagueis was not just a one-and-done. The same could be said for Yoda’s inclusion. Where will the story go from here? Will Osha and Mae reunite? If a second season does happen, I hope so.

All episodes of The Acolyte are streaming on Disney+.