Jod and the kids on Lanupa

Skeleton Crew Season 1 Episode 5 “You Got Alot To Learn About Being A Pirate” – Review

WARNING: Spoilers for the fifth episode of Skeleton Crew.

The Tides Begin To Turn.

Wendle and the Droid in Skeleton Crew

Corporate Lifestyle

The parents of At Attin continue to find a way to help bring their kids home. While at work, Wim’s dad gets into the system to get a message out to the kids through the barrier. Met with apprehension by one of the patrol droids, Wendle is brought to Fara. Both conclude that they will have to go behind the back of their supervisor if they want to save their children. If anything feels unbalanced with Skeleton Crew it is the amount of time we spend with the parents each week.

Wim, Neel, KB, Fern and Jod question SM-33 on the Onix Cinder

The Onyx Cinder

Back aboard the ship, our merry little pirates restrain SM-33. The droid reveals that the former captain of the ship was none other than Tak Rennod. Jod realizes they are then aboard the Onix Cinder, and tells the children of the ventures of the famed space pirate. SM-33 agrees to take the crew to the former captain’s hideaway, which houses coordinates to At Attin. This is the first mention of the ship in the entire series, and while this does feel a little expository, it fits within the spirit of more Spielbergian-inspired themes ala Hook or Jurassic Park. As our protagonists glean closer to getting home, more trials await them. When they arrive on the planet Lanupa however, the band is thrown for a bit of a loop.

Luxurious Mud Baths & Snowy Sights

Filled with massive mountains of snow and a resort meant for adults, the crew bickers back and forth to find Rennod’s hidden lair located beneath the mud baths. Jod disguises the younglings as elders, to whom the staff questions. To make things worse, a bounty hunter named Pokkit recognizes Jod, blowing the cover story he attempted to use. This results in more credits being used to pay off the hotelier. The crew splits into teams of two, and Pokkit informs Brutus of Jods whereabouts.

Hidden Treasure

The crew manages to navigate their way underneath a tunnel system and find an acid pool. To enter the famed pirate lair, they must give up what a pirate loves the most – treasure. Jod tosses a Republic credit into the pool and it drains. They enter the famed pirates’ den and find a trove of gold goods – and a lightsaber. After stumbling upon a message left by the late captain, the coordinates to At Attin are found at last. The revelation of what the treasure is, a mint that can create infinite credits, leaves quite an impression on the crew, especially Jod.

Jod holding the lightsaber at the end of Skeleton Crew

The New Captain

With the reveal of what the treasure is on At Attin, Jod makes a heel turn. Challenging Fern for the position of captain, leaving the children surprised. Fern wrestles with challenging Jod but ultimately tries. To no avail, Jod holds the dagger to Fern, telling her to concede, which prompts Wim to use the lightsaber against Jod but hilariously fails. When Fern concedes, Jod imposes SM-33 to take the kids to the brig as prisoners. Before the droid gets to them, the children trigger a trap door and escape. Jod pulls the lightsaber with the force, and we hear it ignite before the credits roll. Another episode closer to treasure, but with the dynamic changed one has to wonder how our protagonists will proceed. With Jod as the captain trying to imprison the children, will they still find a way back home? More to come with only three episodes left.

New Episodes of Skeleton Crew premiere on Disney+ on Tuesdays at 6 PM PST.