The world is reeling from the effects of a global pandemic and the United States is entering another month of...
The sequel common sense has told us would happen is officially happening as Deadpool 2 is a go! At today’s...
A handful of very lucky fans got the surprise of their lives today. There was a “fan appreciation” screening of...
A new Deadpool 2 trailer hit the internet this morning, and it’s pretty epic. The newest trailer features Cable, and...
Some friends and I were just talking yesterday on Facebook about a particular BIG Easter egg in the Deadpool movie. When...
20th Century Fox’s Deadpool movie arrives in theaters February 12, 2016 and judging from the previews, it looks like the “merc with a... reported today that Deadpool 2 director, Tim Miller, has left the project as of Friday evening. Creative differences between Miller and Deadpool star...
Hiya! Wade here…Wade Wilson? Merc with the Mouth?? DEADFREAKINGPOOL!! Seriously if you don’t know who I am, why are you...
This morning Deadpool (aka The Other Guy Wearing a Red Suit) announced The 12 Days of Deadpool movie. Starting today,...