In Teresa Jusino‘s final episode of Supergirl Radio as an official co-host, she and Rebecca Johnson discuss CBS’ Supergirl episode titled “Truth, Justice and the American Way!”...
In this episode of Adventures of Supergirl Radio, Rebecca Johnson reviews the first issue of Adventures of Supergirl, the digital comic based on...
Episode Description: In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss CBS’ Supergirl episode titled “Strange Visitor From Another Planet!” They...
On this week’s Supergirl Radio, Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson are joined by special guests Matt Moore of Comic Book Noob and Andy Behbakht of The Flash Podcast to shine a spotlight...
In this episode of Adventures of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Carly Lane, Morgan Glennon, and Rebecca Johnson discuss the second issue of Adventures of Supergirl, the digital...
In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss CBS’ Supergirl episode titled “Bizarro”! They also cover the news (including an...
Episode Description: In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss CBS’ Supergirl episode titled “Childish Things!” They also cover the...
In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss the episode of CBS’ Supergirl titled “For The Girl Who Has Everything!”...
To kick off the start of Supergirl Radio‘s special edition episodes dedicated to the Adventures of Supergirl digital comic series, Rebecca Johnson is joined by the...
Episode Description: In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson discuss CBS’ Supergirl episode titled “Blood Bonds!” They also cover the...