If you are a fan of Marvel, you likely know of and are a fan of the Dubsmash War. What started as a friendly, playful exchange of Dubsmash videos between the actors of Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at San Diego Comic Con escalated to a slightly less friendly competition. Now Team SHIELD and Team Carter are at war – TO THE DEATH! (not really)
Truly the real winners of the Dubsmash War will decidedly not be Team Carter or Team SHIELD. The real winners of course will be St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital and Stomp out Bullying – the charities that will receive the proceeds from the Dubsmash War when it is over.

However…That being said, someone does actually have to win the Dubsmash War, sending the other team home with their tails between their legs. I’m here to tell you why it will be #TeamSHIELD.
- Team SHIELD is bigger than Team Carter and has more resources. That was pretty clear when Team Carter launched their first salvo, only to see donations for team SHIELD not far behind – without even lifting a finger. Laughter was even heard over the PA system aboard Zephyr One.
- Team SHIELD plays nice. So nice that they even crossed over with DC, bringing in Batman and Supergirl at a time when Marvel and DC people were bickering with each other. Team Carter on the other hand, stole Lola from SHIELD in their
second video. And let’s not talk about Team Carter enlisting Captain America (Coulson’s idol), because I’m pretty sure that none of us want to see this again. I would even go so far as to call this bullying. Isn’t the whole point to stomp out bullying??
- Clark Gregg is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is always one step ahead. He’s already anticipating Hayley Atwell’s next move and is already deploying countermeasures. He learned from the best – Nick Fury. Peggy Carter is a good Agent for the SSR – but she’s not the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Where is Team Hydra in all of this? Brett Dalton recently
Gavin with Brett Dalton confirmed that we would see him in a Dubsmash video, confirming that Hydra is teaming up with S.H.I.E.L.D. in an effort to stop Team Carter. This is particularly smart of Dalton, because if he stops the S.S.R. doesn’t he effectively prevent the creation of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Brilliant plan Mr. Dalton!
These are just a few reasons that Team SHIELD clearly has the upper hand (Brett Dalton approved pun for you there…sorry Coulson) over Team Carter in the Dubsmash War. As of this writing Team SHIELD has a lead of more than $5,000.
How sure are we that #TeamSHIELD will win? We even made our own music video for the Dubsmash War. Check it out.
The final videos were posted by Team Carter and Team SHIELD on Wednesday, October 7th and the Dubsmash War will end on Friday the 16th.
What side are you on?
Written by Shawn Richter, with help from Gavin “Kid Coulson” Richter. We ARE #TeamSHIELD. Photos courtesy of Craig’s Cosplay Corral.