For quite a few months now, fans of Hayley Atwell have seen the Agent Carter star doing fun and creative lip syncs via the Dubsmash app. She began making videos with friends, and then another actor from a certain Marvel TV show, a famous friend, Agent Carter writers (four. of. them.) and then the actress playing Sharon Carter, Agent Carter’s niece, Emily VanCamp. By this point, San Diego Comic Con was happening and Clark Gregg issued a challenge to what would become #TeamCarter. Atwell replied with the first video done by herself and co-star James D’Arcy. By July 11th, the Dubsmash Wars had begun.

Hayley Atwell has the lip syncing done to a ‘t.’ Every video is spot on. Like this earlier one, for example. And D’Arcy is on the mark too, as he demonstrated in the video where things escalated. They have the lip syncing down to a science, a strong choice for songs, and cleverness – because making the video above happen, and this follow up, reads like a fan’s dream come true, but Atwell and D’Arcy make it a reality – with the added touch of irony to make a personal connection to Clark Gregg’s wife Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing.

And though this Dubsmash Wars For Charity (To the Death) is a competition and raises money for charity, the driving element since the beginning for Hayley Atwell and James D’Arcy is above all to have fun. Lots of fun. Just look at their newest and last video in the Dubsmash Wars set to the song “Everything is Awesome!!!” by Tegan and Sara from The Lego Movie. It was filmed, presumably, on Blue Shirt Day® World Day of Bullying Prevention, a day started by Stomp Out Bullying.
“Everything is Awesome!!!” sets out to empower people by encouraging them to work together and to see things in a positive light. One particular line in the song says, “It’s awesome to win, and it’s awesome to lose (it’s awesome to lose).” The ‘winners’ of the Dubsmash Wars are not so much a concern as everyone having fun and people getting help is. Based on the personal Dubmsash videos that Hayley Atwell has shared with her fans, she is having a ball with her co-stars. It’s also interesting to note that Hayley Atwell would still be making videos anyway even if a Dubsmash war wasn’t currently happening. Look at her recent offerings with her co-stars (casting spoilers!):
And now ones Ms. Atwell posted because of her deep love for Rocky Horror Picture Show:
And here is a bonus video of Ms. Atwell with Stan “The Man” Lee:
Whether or not #TeamCarter wins the Dubsmash Wars, Hayley Atwell, through her tireless activism on the Dubsmash app, will forever be the Queen of the Smash. But it doesn’t hurt to donate for #TeamCarter anyway because we want them to win, right?