Marvel Introduces Women of Power Initiative For March

The past year has seen a few interesting steps forward in the creative marketing branches of several major comic publishers and entertainment companies. At the forefront, as always, are Marvel and DC — with DC focused on major projects like Rebirth and DC’s Superhero Girls (the merchandise of which, by the way, can’t seem to stay on store shelves anywhere — bravo!) and Marvel kicking off a lead-up to Civil War (the movie), Civil War II (the comic) and several incredible new games, including the widely popular Avengers Academy.

Now, Marvel seeks to push that bill further. With a high demand for more focus on it’s diverse characters (a subject that Marvel has focused on since it’s inception) the company has launched agaming initiative called Women of Power, which will last for the span of March — Women’s History Month.


The initiative will involve new storylines and characters being added to Marvel’s existing lineup of games, as well as introducing new collectibles like the adorable new POP Funko Spider-Gwen.

Here’s a rundown of what you can expect from your favorite Marvel gaming titles over the next month:

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers (Console and Handheld): LEGO Marvel’s Avengers is releasing a new pack of downloadable content later this month that will add to the roster of over 100 characters. This pack features one of Marvel’s most powerful super heroes, Captain Marvel, alongside fan favorite characters Moonstone and the super villain Poundcakes.

Marvel Contest of Champions (Mobile Game): In the latest update for Marvel Contest of Champions, fans will need to battle through a new event quest featuring Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) and will be able to enhance their team with some of the greatest female super heroes, including She-Hulk, X-23, and Ms. Marvel herself.

Marvel Avengers Academy (Mobile Game): Players enroll, build, and run Avengers Academy – the ultimate super hero school for a very exclusive group of students in Marvel Avengers Academy. This March, several all-new female heroes will be joining the student body of the Academy during a special event.
Marvel Puzzle Quest (Mobile Game): Marvel Puzzle Quest, the best in match-3 puzzle gameplay, will be releasing brand new “Women of Power” variant comic covers featuring their top female characters.

Marvel Future Fight (Mobile Game): In Marvel Future Fight players will be able to engage in a brand new game event featuring Proxima Midnight, a member of Thanos’ Black Order and one of his most powerful generals. This is in addition to the already wide roster of female super heroes, including Black Widow, Thor (Jane Foster), Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), and Spider-Gwen.

Spider-Man Unlimited (Mobile Game): Spider-Man Unlimited features content from over 50 years of comic lore, including more than 30 playable Spider-Man characters. Fans will now enjoy more web-slinging, running, and dashing with a special event featuring notable Spider-Women including Silk.

Marvel Heroes 2016 (PC Game): Written by the critically acclaimed comic-scribe, Brian Michael Bendis, Marvel Heroes 2016 is an online action RPG from the creative visionaries behind Diablo and Diablo II. In the latest installment to this game, players will be able to team up with fan favorite Rescue and earn an enhanced power costume for American Dream.

Early rumors of the initiative stated that it was set to introduce all-new characters, but from the looks of it, they’re probably just going to be new to those particular game titles. Which is fine, and fun, and totally welcome in my opinion. Check out all of the details on, and happy Women of Power month!