Star Wars Event Dome Awakens

Star Wars Themed Event – The Dome Awakens

On Sunday May 1, a Star Wars themed event titled “The Dome Awakens” was held at the central public library in San Diego.  Gavin and Shawn from the  Marvel Report were on the scene to take it all in!  The event was free, open to the public and took place from noon until 4pm.

There were many, many Star Wars themed cosplayers in attendance and let me tell you – these people aren’t fooling around when it comes to cosplay.  Darth Vader, Darth Revan, Strom Troopers, Clone Troopers, Sand Troopers, Tuskin Raiders, X-Wing pilots, Tie Fighter pilots.  It literally felt like you had walked onto the set of a Star Wars movie!

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In addition to the “movie/game accurate” costumes, there were some equally amazing steampunk Star Wars costumes.  A steampunked Darth Vader (who goes by the name “Dude Vader”).

San Diego Star Wars Society Dude Vader

There was also a steampunked Cad Bane from The Clone Wars.  But not just a steampunked Cad Bane – a steampunked Cad Bane on jumping stilts! (who goes by “Cog Bane”).  Amazing!!

Star Wars Cog Bane

One particular cosplayer named Miley was definitely a fan favorite.  Her “Tinker Fett” mashup of Tinker Bell and Boba Fett was nothing short of amazing.

San Diego Star Wars Society Miley Tinker Fett

But the cosplayers weren’t just there to show off their amazing costumes.  They were there to share those costumes with the many families and children who attended the event.  Some of the smaller kids were a little hesitant, but the older ones (many of them in Star Wars costumes themselves) collected photos with many of the cosplayers.

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There were several activities to take part in at the event.  We did the “Rey’s Scavanger Hunt” where we had to run all over the library to answer questions.  We got them all right and Gavin won a few toys for his hard work.

There was a table where you could build your own lightsaber out of a pool noodle and duct tape (genius!)  So many of the kids went home with their very own lightsabers.  Whether they chose to join the dark side or not was up to them.

San Diego Star Wars Society

Of course selfies with the cosplayers were a huge hit.  I loved photographing people taking selfies.  These cosplayers brought so many people so much happiness, it was awesome to see.

San Diego Star Wars Society selfie

There was a kids costume contest held at 1:15 in the auditorium.  Dude Vader helped get the crowd into it and every participant went home with a goodie bag.  The three top costumes went home with a new lightsaber!  While the adult cosplayers were amazing, some of these kid cosplayers were just downright adorable!

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Several Star Wars themed organizations had tables set up at the event, to meet the fans and talk about all of the things that they do for the community.   Attending were:

The San Diego Star Wars Society
The  Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club
The 501st Legion
The Rebel Legion

San Diego Star Wars Society

The final event for the day was a screening of Star Wars:  The Force Awakens in the auditorium.  This Stormtrooper tried to sneak a peek but was sad that he had to stay outside.  Rumor has it that Vader wouldn’t let him watch the movie, and instead instructed the Stormtrooper to take a blaster training course.  Again.

San Diego Star Wars Society

The event was a huge hit with everyone and they’re already talking about making it bigger and better for next year.  I also talked to the coordinator and they’re thinking about doing a super hero themed day as well.  Stay tuned!

All of the photos in this post are from Shawn Richter at Caught on Film Photography in San Diego.  To see a full gallery with all of the photos from this event, just visit the COFPhoto Facebook page.