iZombie Radio – Season 0 Episode 0: Meet The Brains

Hello and welcome to the first ever episode of iZombie Radio, your source for anything and everything related to the CW DC/Vertigo show.

Here we introduce the hosts and talk a bit about ourselves and how we got into the show and how the show will work. Then we go into various news items including San Diego Comic-Con information.

When the news breaks be sure to tune-in here or our website at www.izombieradio.com. Be sure to follow the podcast on twitter @iZombieRadio or at www.facebook.com/izombieradio. If you have any questions feel free to email us at izombieradio@gmail.com.

Also be sure to follow us, the hosts of iZombie Radio on twitter.

Chris King: @CKinger13

Blaise Hopkins: @BlaiseHopkins

Catrina Dennis: @OhCatrina

Shawn Carpenter: @SnarkyShawn