Chloe Bennet Teases Daisy’s Journey In Agents of SHIELD Season 4

We’re a little under a month a way from the Season 4 premiere of Agents of SHIELD, September 20th, and filming is well underway for the ABC Show. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Chloe Bennet offered a few hints as to Daisy/Quake’s journey in the new season:

[SPOILER warning for the final episode of Season 3]

As you’ll remember, Season 3 ended with Daisy leaving SHIELD and going off on her own. The show then jumped six months into the future, where we see that Daisy has gone rogue.

When asked about how long will Daisy be away from the main group, Chloe responded:

I don’t think it will last very long, but we’re on episode three and I’ve had some of the best days I’ve ever had shooting these scenes. I’m doing some of the most crazy stunts I’ve ever done. It’s laced with all this pain and resentment. She’s seeking penance for the loss that she feels responsible for.


She also mentioned that Daisy isn’t as big of a threat as it seemed in the final moments of last season’s finale.

If you paused the TV and really looked closely at what those articles are saying about what she was doing, yes there happened to be some damage, collapsed bridges or physical damage to different cities, but always, magically, no one gets hurt. Two people were saved or one person was saved. If you look closely, Daisy isn’t as much of a threat but more of some sort of vigilante. Anyone who knows this character knows how much empathy she has. She cares for people so deeply that it’s actually to her detriment. It’s her downfall. I think that’s also her most badass trait, how much she’s willing to sacrifice for other people and that doesn’t go away no matter how much eyeliner she wears. She still has a heart of gold and wants the best for people and wants to help. If that would ever go away, then I’m done with this show. [Laughs] I’m leaving!

As far as her what will her journey be for Season 4, the below is very interesting:

It’s about her emotional resilience and figuring out how to come back after dealing with such incredible loss. Also dealing with having these incredible powers and figuring out what to do with them. It goes back to my favorite line from the series in the pilot when Daisy says to Mike [J. August Richards], “With great power comes a lot of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with.” That line has really carried through the entire show and especially this season for Daisy. She can do all these amazing things but can she heal herself emotionally and move forward after all she’s been through? Can she find peace in this family she has as SHIELD? I’d like to see her find emotional stability this season. It probably won’t happen though.

With Lincoln gone, will she be getting a new love interest? Maybe something with spark with the new addition Ghost Rider?

I’d like to see her on her own for a while. I don’t think it would be right for her to be with someone else so early. But I want to see her find happiness. I’d love Coulson [Clark Gregg] to be happy. I just want an episode where they all like go to the movies and pick up some pizza from Costco on the way back and just hang out. I’d love a low-key chill episode where they just don’t do anything and they’re on a Netflix binge and Coulson doesn’t want to watch Stranger Things but Daisy does. I’d be really into a version of SHIELD where they’re all fighting over what to watch.

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns on Tuesday, September 20th at it’s new time, 10pm on ABC.