James Gunn Stan Lee Guardians

James Gunn Confirms Stan Lee Cameo in Vol 2

Director James Gunn has confirmed that the legendary Stan Lee will in fact continue his streak of cameo appearances in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.  After posting a photo of the two of them together at SDCC, Gunn replied to some fan comments. (James Gunn is in fact Marvel’s best on social media as we previously discussed).

Guardians fan Shritan Varma inquired about Lee’s cameo and Gunn simply replied with a “thumbs up” emoji.

James Gunn Stan Lee Cameo Guardians

Not that this is exactly a surprise to anyone, but last we heard on the subject was Gunn’s comment “You guys know I’m a huge Stan Lee fan, and — if Stan Lee is willing and able to appear in a cameo in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ — then I hope he can do that…”  Certainly this confirmation is music to the ears of Marvel fans worldwide.

Stan Lee’s cameo in the first Guardians of the Galaxy was hilarious, and we’re expecting more of the same in Vol. 2.

James Gunn Stan Lee cameo Guardians

You can follow James Gunn on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram.

Directed by James Gunn and starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” opens on May 5, 2017.