Ryan Meinerding Interview LBCC

Ryan Meinerding Interview at Long Beach Comic Con

If you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, surely you are at least partly familiar with some of the concept art that accompanies each movie.  Previously, the only way that fans could get their hands on this amazing artwork was by purchasing one of the “Art of” books (which are all amazing).  However, recently some of the concept artists have been making the rounds at comic conventions in southern California.  I had the pleasure of interviewing Ryan Meinerding at his booth at Long Beach Comic Con.

Ryan Meinerding, Head of Visual Development at Marvel Studios, is no stranger to comic conventions.  But only recently has he started selling limited pieces of his beautiful artwork at conventions. If you don’t recognize the name, surely you will recognize some of his pieces of art (and they are just that – art).  Many of his pieces have been used as Marvel exclusive posters at SDCC, like this awesome print from Captain America:  The Winter Soldier.

Ryan Meinerding Interview LBCC

Meinerding has worked at Marvel for over ten years, and has worked on a number of movies beginning with Iron Man in 2008.  Not only has his concept art been used in the planning of the MCU, but also some of his work has actually been seen in the movies.  He was responsible for drawing all of the art that was used on the vintage Captain America trading cards that Agent Coulson was so fond of (slight foxing along the edges).  He also drew this amazing piece that was used as a huge mural in the Smithsonian in Captain America:  The Winter Soldier.  As a huge Captain America fan (you may notice from my outfit in the interview), this was something that I knew that I had to own immediately (along with a couple others).

Ryan Meinerding Interview LBCC

Looking at prints like these, your first thought would be that they are paintings, but they are not.  Meinerding works 100% digitally these days and he said that a piece like this takes about five hours to complete.  The vintage painting look of this print is what sells it, in my opinion.

Speaking of the fact that I’m a huge Captain America fan, Meinerding has had a hand in designing every single Captain America costume we have seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far.  While some designs take more time, he said that the S.T.R.I.K.E. suit worn in Captain America:  The Winter Soldier was designed in one take.

As I was thumbing through the books of art on his table, I was in awe looking at all of the amazing Captain America artwork.

These are just a small portion of what was on display at his booth.  Be warned – although he is able to display many of his pieces for your viewing pleasure, he is only able to sell certain prints at this time.  Which is probably a good thing because I could have blown up my wallet on the Captain America prints alone.

Ryan Meinerding will be appearing next at Stan Lee’s Comikaze in Los Angeles October 28-30.  His website is www.spiritofthehero.com and you can also find him on social media under “Spirit of the Hero” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.