So here it is, the final chapter of the Halloween event. So first off I need to mention something I over looked. Blade is the last premium character for the event and the only way to get him is by getting all 5 extra decorations. Also if you’ve been keeping up with all the costumes then once you get Blade you’ll be able to unlock Maria Hill’s Banana Costume.

Dracula is the new recruitable character after kicking his butt countless times, and after Mephisto makes a Sesame Street joke. To get him you will need 3 Tomato Juices (which actually look like Bloody Marys), 1 Curtain, 4 Mouth Washes, and 12 Coffins. Or if you want to skip the fun it’s 1220 shards to unlock him.

Mephisto is the boss fight this time around so be sure to be ready for that. That’s really all this episode has to offer for the time being so in the meantime here’s a bunch of characters doing the “Thriller” dance to summon Mephisto.

Oh and just for fun here’s some screenshots of Ghost Rider talking to Quake and Ms. Marvel. Happy Halloween!