5 X-Men Shows That Fox Should Consider After Legion

With Legion dropping soon and some updates on the original X-Men programming, we wanted to look at 5 shows that Fox should consider to add to a Fox universe.  With the New Mutants movie on the horizon and Deadpool 2 jumping forward, the X-Men TV universe remains rife with unexplored television properties and multiple other teams connected to the X-Men.  We broke it down into five (don’t we always?) and added genre and some small notes about how the show could look and what it could entail.

With X-Men: Gold and Blue coming out it’s worth noting interest in the X-men might see an uptick, new characters might bes created.  We have the new material, here’s our picks for what else Fox should look to in terms of characters and X-Men teams.

Jean Gray Series:

One of the stand outs for X-Men Apocalypse was Jean Gray – played by Sophie Turner.  A popular figure for multiple reasons, Jean Gray as Phoenix has been a fixture in X-men comics and films.  With the addition of a brand new X-men cast we’re of the mind that a series focusing on X-Men ladies (sort of like Gotham City Sirens) would be a good way for Showtime and/or HBO to get in on the superhero genre.  Who’s a good focus to lead this team (ideally with Jubilee being second in command)? Jean Gray played by Sophie Turner.  A series focusing on Jean, her triumphs, her tribulations would be a great watch.  The growing power within her would be a great antagonist.   If David Haller on Legion gets a series, Jean’s got the same level of ability and she’s more widely known and recognized.  Throw in a Famke Jensen cameo and it’s golden, iconic, nostalgic (Famke was my Jean Gray) a perfect fit for the Fox Universe.  Bonus points if you throw in Shadowcat and introduce the first openly Jewish superheroine on television HBO.

Genre: Either a coming of Age teenage story or an avante garde show about Jean – think Carrie the TV series.

Mystique Series:

While Jennifer Lawrence has talked about wanting to be a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy universe, we submit that an original series focusing on Mystique between the X-Men: Apocalypse and the 2000 X-Men film would be great. The series could explore the possibility of Mystique becoming  Night Crawler’s Mother, along with her budding criminal career and anti-hero origins.   Showcase her transformation from hero to villain in detail, perhaps tap a young Magneto to guest star and it could be a powerful streaming property for Hulu or Netflix.    It’s a good framing device to show off a darker side and dare we say it? Perhaps tie in Deadpool and the Weapon X program? Maybe use it to introduce the New Mutants? The Sky’s the limit.

Genre: A gritty crime noir drama, something along the lines of Good Behavior on TNT or Netflix’s Jessica Jones.

X-Force Series:

Set it in an alternate reality preparing for an eventual “Mad Max in Fury Road” scenario.  Introduce Bishop (because he deserves it) make it a futuristic version of Game of Thrones .  Give the audience a perspective character (perhaps a human interacting with these mutants or a government agent who ends up falling in with this team)   Tie it into the House of M reality that leads to the sentinels and the wars between humans and mutants.  Focus on Hope Summers, the heir to the Phoenix Force Legacy, and have Bishop, guest star because we’ll be spinning it off into a solo series starring him.

Genre: Mad Max Fury Road meets Game of Thrones.

Bishop Series:

A series focusing on Bishop, played by Daveed Diggs, the breakout star from Hamilton.  Focus it on Humans versus Sentinels, Show off how reality has been destroyed completely, make it big budget and introduce some Westworld style themes of reality, identity, and purpose.  Focus on Bishop, his life, his loves, how he bounces in and out of reality.  Instead of trying to make young Gambit work, give us an older Gambit and the man acts as a sort of after-the-fact mentor.  This could be a gritty soldier-of-fortune, redemptive story that I am absolutely chomping at the bit to see.  Give Bishop and the X-men universe the apocalypse it deserves.  The ultimate evil would be Gambit, as depicted in Gambit: Sons of the Atom.   The betrayal of a mentor and his student is one not yet explored, and would provide a wealth of opportunity. He wasn’t given a chance to shine in X-Men: Days of Future Past, this could be the big break we’re looking for.

Genre: Soldier of Fortune in a world that time forgot. Throw in some shades of Judge Dredd meeting Mad Max and We’ve got ourselves a show.


Our final pick for shows that Fox should consider adding to their roster, is the British mutant force of M-13. The British Intelligence Agency tasked with investigating the paranormal.  The characters come from a wide range of locales in the Marvel Universe. Fox could get it’s own Captain America figure in Captain Britain, who could be perfectly played by UnReal’s Freddy Stroma. Rogue One’s Riz Ahmed could play the dashing rogue Pete Wisdom. Arthurian heroine Excalibur, also known as Faiza Hussain could be played by Quantico’s Yasmine Al Massri. You’ve got gold.

Genre: BBC Sherlock meets MI-5, stir in a dose of Doctor Who and add pinch of superheroes to make a show that people would devour.

There are a plethora of other Marvel characters available to add to the Fox Universe. The film universes continue to grow but with Legion (an obscure character to be sure) The Fox Universe has offered a new opportunity for people to connect with the mutants.  While they may not be as widely known as the others, These are characters well known and loved.  We’d love to see their stories played out on screen.

Like our list? Disagree with our list? Tell us in the comments below and remember that Legion drops February 8th on FX.