Dan Buckley Promoted To President Of Marvel Entertainment

Shake ups at the house of ideas are nothing unusual, but this one could signal a new age of development for one of the “big two” powerhouse giants. According to The Hollywood Reporter and CBR.com, Dan Buckley has been promoted to president of Marvel Entertainment. Buckley will continue to work under Marvel CEO Ike Pearlmutter, overseeing every division except film. Kevin Feige will continue managing the film division and working directly with Disney.

As mentioned by The Hollywood Reporter:

Buckley’s promotion is seen as “A doubling down of the company into the creation of content that is non-film related.” It is also seen as a reward for an executive who has been praised for a management style that blends a push of the mediums and an intimate “geek” knowledge of Marvel Comics.

Buckley first worked for Marvel in the 90s, where he was hired as a member of the international marketing division before being promoted to vice president of marketing services.  After briefly leaving the company, Mr. Buckley returned in 2003 where he took on a role as publisher. Within his tenure the company began it’s “event” based story lines, from the original Civil War to the upcoming Secret Empire storyline. He has also supervised the company’s initiative to be more inclusive and include a broader range of characters, living up to their motto of becoming “the world outside your window.” Under his watch the roster of ethnically diverse, female, and gay characters has expanded significantly.

Mr. Buckley is also responsible for hiring Jeph Leob (Writer: The Long Halloween for DC comics, as well as Daredevil for Marvel) to oversee the firm’s television division. Mr. Buckley has worked closely with Mr. Leob to generate a number of animated products including Ultimate Spider-man, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and Guardians of the Galaxy as well as working closely on Marvel television properties from Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD to the critically acclaimed Daredevil and Luke Cage not to mention the Peabody award winning Jessica Jones.  

His work has met with critical support and acclaim from multiple creators across twitter, whose tweets greeting the new president of the house of ideas are overwhelmingly positive.

We’re confident that with  Bucky – sorry Mr Buckley at the helm the House of ideas is in good hands. Sound off and tell us what you think in the comments below true believers about what this might mean for your favorite comics and series in the comments below. Excelsior!