5 Characters We Want to Join Squirrel Girl in the New Warriors

Arana / Spider-Girl

New Warriors

Anya Corazon a.k.a. Aran a.k.a. Spider-Girl is a cool but complicated character. She was born in Mexico. At a young age, she moved to Brooklyn when her mom died. While on the way to fight a fellow student, she accidentally gets caught up in war between two rival secret societies. She get severely stabbed, and saved by being infused with spidery magic. She used these powers to fight crime and help the society that saved her. She did this under the codename Arana. Years later, she was able to sever her ties to said secret society. She then took up the name Spider-Girl. Anya has all the powers of Spider-Man. However, her web shooters are organic, and she doesn’t have his “Spidey Scense”.

She has never been apart of the New Warriors in the comics. However, neither has Squirrel Girl. I think Anya would be a perfect addition to the team. She has a personality I think would fit well with the team and teen dramedy feel they are going with the show. I feel like her transition from Arana to Spider-Girl would be perfect for a one or more season long arc. Also, she could maybe be used as a thematic tie the Spider-Man film(s) without having to deal with rights issues, outside of possibly the name Spider-Girl. Even without all that, I still think she would be a great addition to the team, that I would love to see.

What do you guys think? Do you agree? Who do you think should be on the team? Who you like to see on the team, even if they have no comic ties to them? Let us know in the comments below.