Supergirl Radio

Supergirl Radio Season 3 – Episode 2: Triggers

In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, Rebecca Johnson is joined by Supergirl Radio co-founder and former co-host, Teresa Jusino, to discuss the Supergirl season three episode titled “Triggers”! Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio covers The CW’s Supergirl!

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Official Description by The CW for Supergirl 3.02: “Psi, a thief with psychic powers, attacks National City. Able to immobilize people by tapping into their worst fears, Psi proves a formidable opponent for Supergirl. Meanwhile, James and Lena are at an impasse, and Samantha starts her new job at L-Corp. Guest Stars include Yael Grobglas (Gayle Marsh/Psi), Odette Annable (Samatha Arias), Emma Tremblay (Ruby Arias), Erica Durance (Alura), Floriana Lima (Maggie Sawyer), Andrea Brooks (Eve Teschmacher), Derick Agyemang (Security Guard #1), Nicole Anthony (Female Customer), Ken Godmere (Male Customer), Chelsea Gill (Bank Teller), David Lennon (Cop), Norman Misura (Crane Operator), Angela Moore (Principal Coburn), and Hugo Raymundo (Guard).”

Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Supergirl), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Mehcad Brooks (James Olsen), David Harewood (Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter), Jeremy Jordan (Winslow “Winn” Schott), and Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor). WRITTEN BY: Gabriel Llanas and Anna Musky-Goldwyn. DIRECTED BY: David McWhirter.

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