iZombie Radio – Season 4 Episode 3: Brainless in Seattle, Part 1

This week Blaise, Chris, and Shawn discuss the third episode in Season 4 of iZombie; “Brainless in Seattle, Part 1.” As things continue to develop in New Seattle and Seattle, Liv eats the brains of a hopeless romantic, which leaves her examining Clive and Bozzio’s relationship while also tracking down a serial killer!

When the news/episode breaks, be sure to tune-in here or our website at www.izombieradio.com. Be sure to follow the podcast on twitter @iZombieRadio or at www.facebook.com/izombieradio. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback; feel free to email us at izombieradio@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes, please rate and review us there, and we are also on Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Google Play so be sure to check us out there as well! Also be sure to follow us, the hosts of iZombie Radio on Twitter.

Hosts’ Social Media:

Chris King: @CKinger13

Blaise Hopkins: @BlaiseHopkins

Shawn Carpenter: @SnarkyShawn

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