I’m Still Not Over Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Guys….I’m still not over Captain America: The Winter Soldier! And dang, we’re 21 movies and 11 years into this whole thing.

It’s been 5 years since The Winter Soldier changed the entire landscape of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while The Snap was by far the MCU’s most painfully heart-wrenching moment, the Hydra reveal was it’s boldest.

As we all take our walks down Marvel memory lane and #MarvelRewatch #CountdowntoEndGame #MarvelMovieMarathon (whatever your bacon is), it’s time to take reflect on where we’ve been before Avengers: End Game hits theaters and rips out all of our hearts with their bare, purple, Thanos hands!

It’s no coincidence that the Russo brothers managed to direct both tentpole moments in the franchise. The fact that The Winter Soldier managed to ripple into the TV verse and effect the much neglected (at the time) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., cannot be overstated!

The Winter Soldier put the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. back on the map for Marvel fans and took the show from big gamble to big win.