
Top 5 Wanted Characters for The Hawkeye Series On Disney+

4. Gadget

Earlier I said I wasn’t going to include any Young Avengers character. However, with Kate’s introduction, she’s probably going to need a friend. That is where Lucy Cervantes, also known as Gadget, comes in. She was a teen hero, who didn’t live that long, one issue to be precise. Not much is known about her. Like Kate and Clint, she doesn’t have any powers. Instead, she built herself a power suit that looked like something from the Halo video game franchise. That being said, because she is so obscure, she is very versatile. They could do anything with her and flesh out the character. Use her only for this show, make her Kate’s sidekick, have her be Kate’s “Woman in a Van”, and/or even make her a love interest for Kate. The possibilities are endless and she can easily slip into whatever story they have planned.