“Don’t worry, she’s got help.”
WARNING:Spoilers about Avengers: Endgame below.
It’s with this beautiful line that fans are unofficially introduced to what a potential A-Force movie could look like in the MCU. Some called the scene “fan service”, others said the scene was empowering. No matter what side of the scale fans fall on, it’s safe to say this is a group of superheroes that could be introduced later on in Phase 4 or the beginning of Phase 5. Here are some things it could bring to the forefront:
The Loss of Black Widow
As seen in the last Avengers movie, Black Widow tragically but heroically threw herself off a cliff to help her team get the Soul Stone back, not knowing if the result would actually work. When the ladies of Marvel to take on Thanos, it was clear she was missing from the group. However, because she’s “The First Lady of Marvel”, the rest of the A-Force in Endgame was a direct result of her legacy. Natasha Romanoff paved the way for these other amazing superheroes to save the world. How could this possibly be touched upon in a solo A-Force movie? One option could be all of the ladies are together at the Avengers base (if they decide to rebuild after the events of Endgame) and hold a memorial ceremony for her. Another option could be if there were murals of her throughout the movie, taking inspiration of the homage to Tony Stark in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Whatever happens, she deserves better than just her team mourning and throwing a bench. She deserves deserve to have a proper service with everyone in attendance.
Intro to the MCU

It may have only been one scene with all of the Ladies of Marvel in Avengers: Endgame, but it showed all of them working together to take down Thanos and his army. Each one got a moment to showcase how strong their powers are, not letting silly aliens faze them in the slightest.
What with the A-Force in the comics being a few members smaller, and their foes’ armies not as big, they are just as strong and powerful when it comes to taking down foes such as Antimatter and Countess. If both worlds met, the comic members and the MCU members, lead by shared member, Captain Marvel, they would no doubt would unstoppable. By making this team canon, Marvel could open up a world of new possibilities for the next phase in the franchise.
Endgame VS Comics

Phase 4 definitely seemed to pull inspiration from the comics more than previous phases, and with Captain Marvel being the first female-lead film in the MCU, she opened the door for others to join her. Possible members that could most likely to join her from the Avengers: Endgame squad could be: Hope Van Dyne, the Wasp, Valkyrie and Pepper Potts, Rescue. These four would form “The Big Three” essentially, with Carol taking the spot of Steve, Hope and Pepper honoring Tony with their respective smarts, and Valkyrie being newly crowned as the King of Asgard in place of Thor.
Another likely option from the MCU squad would be Nebula. The movies she has been seen in so far have certainly shown she is worthy to join the ranks of an elite team. Shuri would also be a welcome teammate; should could offer Wakandan technology that would only help improve Hope and Pepper’s gear for the other. Members like Okoye and Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch, would be just as amazing, but Okoye would never leave her people unless she willingly stepped down as the leader of the Dora Milaje. With all of the trauma Wanda has gone through, though, she may want to take a step back from saving the world.
As far as the comic book squad goes, with Natalie Portman just being announced as The Mighty Thor at San Diego Comic Con this year, it would be really nice if she made an appearance in the movie. Since Marvel’s Inhumans is no longer on the air, Serinda Swan, who played the Queen of the Inhumans, Medusa, is perfectly free to join the MCU. Nico Minoru, played by the brilliant Lyrica Okano on Marvel’s Runaways, would be the perfect opportunity to merge a Marvel original with the movie franchise. Other comic book members like Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk, Alison Blaire, Dazzler and Singularity would round out the powerhouse group of heroes.
Read about other member choices on the next page:
Possible Choices For Other Members

With some of the members being unofficially confirmed for Marvel’s various projects like Brie Larson in Captain Marvel, Lyrica Okano in Marvel’s Runaways, and Natalie Portman as The Mighty Thor for Thor: Love and Thunder, it’s clear Marvel is inadvertently heading in that direction right under the fans’ noses. How they would come into contact with each other or how they would know each other is a mystery, but why they would assemble would be the same reason why the Avengers formed: to keep the world safe from other worldly threats. There are tons of other great choices for the remaining members, below are some likely but unconfirmed candidates.