Supergirl Radio

Supergirl Radio Season 6 – Episode 9: Dream Weaver

In this episode of Supergirl Radio, Rebecca Johnson is LIVE [and WIRED] and joined by Tyler Patrick (Host of Krypton Report: The All Things Kryptonian Podcast) to discuss and review the Supergirl Season 6 episode titled “Dream Weaver”.

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Official Description by The CW for Supergirl 6.09: “Kelly meets Joey (guest star Aiden Stoxx), a young orphaned alien boy, who is acting our in foster care because he fears there is something wrong with his brother Orlando (guest star Jhaleil Swaby), who is incarcerated. Kelly asks Kara to help her investigate and they stumble upon abuse at the prison. Meanwhile, Nyxly (Peta Sergeant) crashes one of Nia’s dreams and asks her for help.

Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Supergirl), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), David Harewood (Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter), Jesse Rath (Querl Dox/Brainiac-5), Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor), Nicole Maines (Nia Nal), Julie Gonzalo (Andrea Rojas/Acrata), Azie Tesfai (Kelly Olsen), and Staz Nair (William Dey). WRITTEN BY: Karen E. Maser and Emilio Ortega Aldrich. DIRECTED BY: Shannon Kohli.

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