Batman: Caped Crusader

Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1 Review – A Dark Period Piece

The anticipation I feel for Batman: Caped Crusader was high for a long time. The idea of a series that was in the same vein as Batman: The Animated Series, but its own thing, sounded amazing. I still went into watching the show with an unbiased mind, as much as I could. I didn’t want to go in just loving whatever the show threw at me. After finishing the season, I walked away surprised and hopeful for the future of the next animated series featuring the Dark Knight.

Batman from Batman: Caped Crusader

Set in 1940s Gotham, Batman: Caped Crusader doesn’t hold back. Darker themes and hard-hitting storylines help this series be successful. Following other characters besides Bruce helps expand the world of Gotham even more. The show is reliant on Batman to carry it fully. Yes, he is the main focus, but there are storylines and scenes where he isn’t necessarily involved or connected. Not every character appears in every episode, but when they do, they make an appearance. It was welcomed and made me want to learn more about the characters.

One particular thing I wish was different is how Bruce treats Alfred. It’s not till the end do we see a true emotional moment between them. Bruce is always angry or short with Alfred, which makes me feel bad for the butler. Alfred is risking a lot and doing so much to help in this crusade against the corrupt side of the city. Bruce’s scene during a flashback telling Alfred he was gonna help him against the corruption still stands out. Here is hoping Bruce can finally grow to be more open with Alfred as the show continues into its second season.

Batman: Caped Crusader
Batman: Caped Crusader paying homage to Batman The Animated Series

The animation for Batman: Caped Crusader is gorgeous and one of the biggest highlights. There are some moments that don’t look the best, but that tends to happen. When it comes to wide shots of the city, action scenes, and Batman specifically. This is where animation truly shines. Some particular and very well-intended shots feel straight out of Batman: The Animated Series. The balance of this show paying homage and being its own thing to the previous Bruce Timm Batman show is handled with care. My only wish is that Kevin Conroy could have voiced a role before his passing in 2022.

One particular thing to discuss is the villains within these first 10 episodes. Some are familiar, and others are more obscure, even to comic readers. Harley Quinn is re-imagined, and honestly, I really enjoy the change of her character. Her new meaning of being this jester character worked for me. Seeing the show handle Nocturna was surprising, yet it worked to help expand this world to being fantastical as well as grounded. The big topic that many people are discussing is the Penguin being a woman in this series. I was surprised, but it doesn’t matter. She is brutal, and her being the first villain in episode 1 sets the tone for the rest of the episodes.

Batman: Caped Crusader
The Villains from Batman: Caped Crusader

The villains of Batman: Caped Crusader are a standout here. I love the approach they took with most of them, and keeping us in suspense on what would be different about them in this adaptation. I also applaud the creatives for using lesser-known characters as threats for Batman. The marketing also did a great job of highlighting many aspects of the show, and also making sure to hide away bigger things for the audience to discover. The voice cast also were another high point, they brought their a-game here. No lines ever felt flat or too much during the 10-episode run.


Batman: Caped Crusader

I am genuinely surprised about how Harvey Dent’s story ends. He sacrifices himself to save Barbara. Unfortunately this means we won’t see him again in the series unless there is flashbacks. I wondered if they could do a season of Batman: Caped Crusader without Joker, and they couldn’t do it. At least it’s just a very quick cameo at the very end. This is clearly setting him up for the next season coming to Amazon Prime.

In the end, this show works mostly with its storytelling and characters. It’s not a perfect show, and I wasn’t expecting that. Warner Bros messed up by letting this go to another streaming platform. This could have been a great hit for them. Here is hoping the next season will drop sooner rather than later.

Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1 is available now on Amazon Prime