“Your Monster” Interview: Edmund Donovan & Kayla Foster On Working With Melissa Barrera

Your Monster is a magical blend of genres. Whether it’s horror, romantic comedy, or musicals, there’s a little bit of everything for viewers to enjoy.

The film’s protagonist, Laura Franco (Melissa Barrera), is brutally dumped by her boyfriend Jacob (Edmund Donovan) while she’s going through cancer treatments. Her best friend Mazie (Kayla Foster) is the one to pick her up from the hospital.

Upon returning home, Laura discovers a charming albeit scary monster (aptly named Monster) living in her upstairs closet. What follows thereafter is a gripping tale of feminine rage and self-actualisation.

Tommy Dewey and Melissa Barerra appear in Your Monster by Caroline Lindy, an official selection of the Midnight program at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. Courtesy of Sundance Institute. Photo by Will Stone.

NOTE: The following interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

LadyJenevia: Edmund, it’s a real testament to your acting how much I hated Jacob. What was your window of empathy into playing such a villainous character in someone else’s story?

Donovan: That’s a great question. For Jacob, the thing I had to understand about him is he doesn’t have things that I like to think that I have, which is a certain level of empathy. I had to sort of take certain things away. But on top of that, he has this incredible ambition which is something that I can understand, I think most of us can, to make this musical and to make it so great. It’s everything he’s ever dreamed of. A lot of what he does to Laura, the breakup, and all the mistreatment comes from his desire to be this the greatest musical theatre writer-director that he can be. That’s something I can understand. Not hurting people in the process, but pursuing something that I really care about.

LadyJenevia: Kayla, you were also a producer on this film. In order to benefit other women who might be looking to create their own films and stories, can you share one challenging aspect from production that you were able to overcome in some way, and make it a teachable moment?

Foster: Oh god. there’s so many. Maybe this is kind of a more general answer but I think you’re thrown so much during production, no matter what. I don’t care if it’s the easiest shoot in the world. Something is going to go wrong and something is gonna surprise you. I got to make this movie with one of my best friends and I think having that confidant and that trust is my big advice.

I think there’s an instinct when you’re producing to look up and to try to say, ‘Oh well I want to work with Quentin Tarantino,’ or ‘I want to work with Greta Gerwig.’ Looking to your left and looking to your right, and seeing who the people are in your life, I think that’s the best way to approach it. With all of the challenges, as you’re learning, you get to learn with someone else who loves and respects you. Yeah, I think that’s my best advice.

LadyJenevia: That’s great advice. I think Issa Rae has said something similar in interviews so it’s good for other people to learn that as well. For my final question, for each of you, a lot of the fan interest in Your Monster comes from the fact that Melissa Barrera is the star. Would each of you be able to share something that was specifically unique about working with her compared to the many other great people that you’ve worked with in your careers?

Foster: Working with her as a scene partner aside, watching her work, she is so specific. She said if she wasn’t an actress, she would be a script supervisor. You’d be on with her and she was like, ‘Hi, I’m sorry. That chair was actually at a 45 degree angle, not a 65 degree angle. If we could just turn it-‘

She’s so aware of everything going on, so aware of the camera, and then once action is called, she’s completely set free, and I loved watching that aspect of it. Also, she’s just so beautiful on camera so that was cool too, yes.

Donovan: Yeah, she’s incredibly inventive. I’m thinking of one scene in particular where she chews me out on stage. I don’t think that’s giving anything away. She made up almost all of that on the day and yeah, it was so she was so free and huge and powerful and terrifying in that scene. Yeah, she’s great.

Your Monster is playing exclusively in theatres.

Watch my full interviews with Your Monster stars Edmund Donovan, Kayla Foster, and director/screenwriter Caroline Lindy here:

Watch my full review of Your Monster here:

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