WARNING: Spoilers for the sixth episode of Skeleton Crew
Our merry little bandits split up in this episode, while Jod convinces his old crew to let him live
Slip N’ Slide
The four children of our adventure down a tunnel system and end up on the snowy ground of the planet Lanupa. Meanwhile, Jod ends up on the resort’s ground floor, only to be met by Brutus’s pirates and the resort staff. Jod is apprehended, and the pirates escape into orbit. SM-33 is hurt in the scuffle, and the Onix Cinder is left for the taking. Fern and KB argue about how to move forward, and the children divide into groups of two. Wim and KB follow a horde of trash crabs, while Fern and Neel ascend to the top hoping to retrieve the ship. More often than not, when friends disagree they split up, reflect, and come together to reconcile. Skeleton Crew handles this with tenderness but also makes it feel authentic to the world of Star Wars.
Old Wounds
Once Jod escapes Rennod’s lair, he is imprisoned by Brutus’s subordinates. After being sentenced to death by space lock, Jod makes a final play to sway his old crew. Jude Law is giving an excellent performance, charming up former crew mates with the intrigue of infinite credits. By warming up his old crewmates, the idea of a mutiny occurring down the line is a possibility. It would not be surprising to see Brutus’ crew turn heel and join Jod’s venture to gain unlimited credits on At Attin.
Problem Solving 101
Wim and KB follow a colony of trash crabs, but KB shuts down. Wim has to perform repairs on her augmentations to keep her going. After the repairs, KB confides in Wim about being afraid to express to Fern when she is unable to do things due to her augments possibly getting in the way. The biggest reveal of this episode is the notion of KB needing augments to survive, and being representative of the disabled community in the Star Wars world. Meanwhile, Fern and Neel make the climb to the ship, and Fern has a revelation on her own. Realizing everyone can’t do what she does sometimes, Fern ties a rope onto Neel to help him make the climb.
Setting Sail
After Fern and Neel make the jump and get their ship back, they save Wim and KB. However, their ship is about to be torn apart by a massive metal contraption designed for the sole purpose of metal destruction. The kids make their way to different parts of the ship to help free it from imminent ruination and embrace saving their ship. Despite their best efforts, the machination continues to desecrate the Onyx Cinder. Fern pushes the emergency hull button, freeing the hull and revealing a cleaner smaller ship. Overall, this episode shines a light on the importance of friendship and how we navigate difficult conversations through the eyes of children. More importantly, how we can learn by listening and being present instead of making the same mistakes repeatedly. With two episodes left, our heroes are bound to make their way home soon enough, with Jod right behind them.
New episodes of Skeleton Crew air on Disney+ on Tuesdays at 6 PM PST.