Super-stans and casual fans of the DC Universe, it’s the time to rejoice. DC Comics announced a four-issue limited series from Mark Waid, “New History of the DC Universe,” available for pre-order on Friday, March 21 and releasing Wednesday, June 25.
Waid, along with Todd Nauck, Jerry Ordway, and a roster of rotating authors, bring us a new look at the ever-growing, expanded DC Universe’s past and present through the eyes of our favorite Flash, Barry Allen. It makes total sense for the time traveller to be the audience’s ears and eyes in this story. While Wally West is off balancing Justice League duties with family life, Barry is doing something pretty awesome!
The series will feature some of the DC fandom’s favorite artists on the interior pages and covers. The first issue’s main cover is by “Batman & Robin: Year One” artist Chris Samnee, with variant covers by Dan Mora , Ryan Sook, and Mike Cho. Sook’s gorgeous foil variant is featured above. Scott Koblish’s series of connecting wraparound variant covers will showcase different characters chronologically every issue.

More details from DC’s press release:
“This is my dream project,” said Waid. “It’s a chance to realign all of DC’s sprawling continuity into one master timeline, and to be joined by some of comics’ greatest artists to make it shine. With new information for even longtime fans, plus Easter eggs galore, this series will be an essential read for DC fans.”
“I’m having an absolute blast with this project,” said Nauck. “Mark has come up with something cool for me to draw on every page, and it’s been an honor to share art chores with a comics legend like Jerry Ordway. The DC editorial team has coordinated a wealth of deep-dive references for me to draw from, and I’m learning new aspects of DC history I hadn’t known before—and I’ve been reading DC comics for decades!”
“As one of the artists who was part of ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ in the 1980’s,” said Jerry Ordway, “I am thrilled to be involved in telling the story of this newest DC Universe with Mark and Todd.”
This series joins its siblings: the legendary History of the DC Universe by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez and a sharp look at how disenfranchised heroes view the world in The Other History of the DC Universe by John Ridley and Giuseppe Camuncoli.