In this week’s episode of the Doom Patrol Podcast, Andy, Cori, and Laura came together to discuss the fourth episode of the second season...
Join the Legendary Ladies on Black Friday as the discuss the newest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, “Taguno Attacks”. Two...
On this week’s episode, Vanessa, Breeze, Rachel, Andy and Keenon discuss the fifth episode of Titans season 4, titled “Inside Man.”
Hey Batwoman friends! Come check out another episode of our season 1.5 coverage, rewatching our season 1 episodes and giving...
On the latest episode of Black Lightning Podcast, Britney Monae, and Constance Gibbs get together to cover episode 8 of the first...
On this episode of The Showrunner Whisperer (produced by Multiverse of Color,) we welcome MARK VERHEIDEN as our latest guest...
WARNING: Spoilers for the third episode of Superman & Lois Heroes Reborn Superman & Lois continues to inspire hope and...
On this week’s episode of the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, Kat, Morgan, Amy and Lauren, get together to review the...
Spock is transformed into a new version of himself at the worst possible time in “Charades.” He discovers who he...
On the latest episode of The Flash Podcast season 8.5, Andy is joined by Rebecca Johnson of Supergirl Radio to...