Marvel Television is continuing to push boundaries in its animation department. Everyone in the new special Marvel Rising: Heart of...
Our final Marvel Rising: Heart of Iron interview focuses on Executive Producer of Marvel Animation, Cort Lane, the mind behind...
Hollywood’s best and brightest gathered to celebrate the legacy of the great Stan Lee this week. The Marvel Report was...
Amy Acker Interview: The Gifted Season 2 The Gifted is finally back and we could not be more excited about...
The Gifted Season 2 Interview with Showrunner Matt Nix The second season of Fox’s The Gifted kicks off today with the...
The Gifted Interview: Stephen Moyer AKA Reed Strucker The Gifted is a Marvel show that prides itself on representation people...
It’s not a full episode, but it is a fun time had by all. Or at least by Tatiana and the...
The show that started the Arrowverse, Arrow, is heading into its seventh season as our Emerald Archer faces his biggest...
The show that started the Arrowverse, Arrow, is heading into its seventh season as our Emerald Archer faces his biggest...
The show that started the Arrowverse, Arrow, is heading into its seventh season as our Emerald Archer faces his biggest...