While it might be a few years until Mahershala Ali joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Blade, the iconic Vampire...
WandaVision Episode 5 has arrived and it might possibly be one of the wildest episodes of television encompassing grief, loss,...
More Wakanda will be coming to the MCU thanks to a new five-year overall television deal between The Walt Disney...
WandaVision has finally pulled back the curtain in episode 4 and, much like Neo discovering the real world, we’ve seen just what makes up the reality.
Wanda Maximoff just can’t catch a break. Trauma is a common element of a superhero’s origin story. Most of the...
WandaVision's third episode proves that nothing is what it seems in Westview with hilarious and strange hijinks
For many, WandaVision has awakened early sitcom nostalgia. Those of us who grew up with Nick at Nite shows like...
Ethan Hawke will join the upcoming Disney+ show Moon Knight according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter. According to...
WandaVision is, in many ways, an homage to the sitcoms of the past. But the MCU's first Disney+ show is also so much more.
With WandaVision set to premiere this week, fans have seen countless trailers and teasers all over social media. The latest...