While we were originally going to get the next installment in the X-Men movie franchise this year, plans changed as...
21st Century Fox released an official poster and movie synopsis for the upcoming Dark Phoenix movie. While the trailer will premiere...
The Marvel TV shows are about to get a major upgrade! Variety revealed today that the upcoming Disney streaming service...
Last week we got our first look at Carol Danvers’ debut in the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe through images from...
Before we get to the untitled Avengers sequel in 2019, following the event of Avengers: Infinity War, we have one...
The sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, is adding Samuel L. Jackson and Cobie Smulders who will be reprising...
Guest post by Venom vlogger Siike Donnelly With a tip on the true identity of a killer named the Sin-Eater,...
Sony is bringing one of the Marvel Universe’s complex characters to life from the Spider-Man universe this fall with Venom,...
Jay El·
AnimationAnimation FeaturesAnimation NewsCollectiblesComic FeaturesComic NewsComicsConventionsCooking with MarvelCosplayEventsFeaturesGame NewsInterviewsLive ActionMarvelMovie FeaturesMovie NewsMoviesPop CultureSDCCTV FeaturesTV News
·Welcome True Believers to Comic-Con International San Diego 2018 (SDCC 2018)! The biggest Comic-Con of the year, and we have...
Jay El·
AnimationAnimation FeaturesAnimation NewsCollectiblesComic FeaturesComic NewsComicsConventionsCosplayEventsFeaturesGame NewsInterviewsLive ActionMarvelMovie FeaturesMovie NewsMoviesPop CultureSDCCTVTV FeaturesTV News
·Welcome True Believers to Comic-Con International San Diego 2018 (SDCC 2018)! The biggest Comic-Con of the year, and we have...