As expected, Avengers: Infinity War crushed it at the box office. Fans around the world were treated to an incredible...
The untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel has found its villain in Jake Gyllenhaal, according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter. Gyllenhaal is...
The Merc with a Mouth has done it again. Deadpool 2 brought in $125 million this weekend at the North American...
Fans will get to see even more of Captain Marvel’s origin story than originally expected. Actress Mckenna Grace will play...
With Captain Marvel in production that means we’re much closer to the fierce heroine gracing the silver screen, and saving...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is adding one incredible star to the upcoming Captain Marvel film! The Hollywood Reporter broke the...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now ten years old. That means that 2018 also marks ten years since Iron Man...
Labeled the “most ambitious crossover event in history,” Avengers: Infinity War also earned the most ambitious box office in history, breaking records by...
Can’t get enough of Avengers: Infinity War? Do you want to show your Marvel pride while looking great? Well the fashion brand...
We are in the home stretch! There is just 1 day left before Avengers: Infinity War hits the big screen!...