When DC Entertainment finally released details about their new streaming service app — dubbed DC Universe — the Classics Crew...
These are the first four Marvel Motion Comics shorts that were presented by Disney XD. Training day Pt1 Spidey gets...
I thought today was going to be a slow day, especially for something like Marvel Animation and boy does the universe...
By Ronyell Coaxum Hey Spidey fans! The time has finally come for a new animated series of our favorite web-slinger...
The new Spider-Man animated TV series premiere is one week away. TV Guide went behind the scenes with the latest incarnation...
So Funko and Marvel released these awhile ago but could’ve been easily missed by anyone, including myself. There are 3...
After a bit of a wait, we finally get a little bit more information regarding the new Spider-Man animated series....
This week on DC TV Classics, Desiree and Keith are joined by the amazing voice actor Phil LaMarr. Phil is...
So this post is going to be a bit brief because by now I think the news is out there....
Laura Kinney AKA X-23 will be making her first big screen appearance in the upcoming X-Men film Logan. After watching...