Sandman’s “Dream a Little Dream” episode is enchanting! Tony, Wendy, and Carolyn discussed the differences between the comic and the...
Despite NBC ending his show, Matt Ryan’s John Constantine has continued to live on for the last few years on...
For the second part of our ninth episode, the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast co-hosts, Kat Calamia and Gregg Katzman, talk all about...
Constantine has had one hell of a run in this current iteration of the DC Animated Cinematic Universe. This time,...
The Legendary Ladies return to discuss Season 3 episode 10 “Daddy Darhkest.” Kat and Morgan discuss magic, Constantine, bad wigs,...
It was another big week for DC TV, especially as CBS and The CW were both at the recently-ended Television...
Grab your favorite drink from Ray’s Smoothie Shop and pack in for the longest episode the Legendary Ladies have ever...
DC TV Classics returns to discuss the brief short-lived NBC series Constantine, based on the classic Vertigo comic Hellblazer. Even...