Since Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment has announced Metropolis, a new series for its streaming service featuring Lois Lane in...
On October 16, 2001, Smallville debuted on The WB and redefined superhero television. Starring Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Kristin...
President Obama’s chief speechwriter Cody Keenan is probably the biggest DC Comics fanboy in the history of the White House,...
DC TV PODCASTS LAUNCHES KRYPTON PODCAST FOR THE NEW SYFY SERIES! New Fan Podcast Dedicated To The Upcoming Live-Action Superman Prequel...
A rumor has surfaced that the Man of Steel himself, Henry Cavill, could have a role in the upcoming Shazam...
Welcome to the first official episode of the Krypton Podcast! On this first episode, your hosts Aaron Moss and Pat Sampson greet their new...
Welcome to episode zero of the Krypton Podcast! On this first installment, your hosts Aaron Moss and Pat Sampson are joined by...
Krypton Podcast returns! On this episode, we bid a fond farewell to Matt as he goes on to other pursuits. ...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast Season 3.5, Andy Behbakht is joined by good friend of the show...
DC TV PODCASTS LAUNCHES KRYPTON PODCAST FOR THE NEW SYFY SERIES! New Fan Podcast Dedicated To The Upcoming Live-Action Superman Prequel...