This week on Swamp Thing Radio Carolyn and Wendy breakdown the second episode of the DC Universe’s Swamp Thing Series, titled “Worlds Apart,” Where...
After defining superhero cinema for a generation, the next DC Comics hero to hit the silver screen was…. Swamp Thing?...
DC TV PODCASTS: MAGIC WHEELCHAIR – FUNDRAISER ON JUNE 29! Podcasters unite to help Magic Wheelchair for the network’s fifth...
A few days ago we brought you Carolyn ‘s “spoiler free” live report from Wondercon! This time we have all the goodies...
It’s finally here! This week on Swamp Thing Radio Carolyn and Wendy breakdown the pilot episode of the brand new DC Universe Swamp Thing...
DC TV PODCASTS: MAGIC WHEELCHAIR – FUNDRAISER ON JUNE 29! Podcasters unite to help Magic Wheelchair for the network’s fifth...
This week on Swamp Thing Radio Carolyn and Wendy finally get their hands on the Swamp Thing trailer! Tune in to hear us comb...
This week on Swamp Thing Radio Carolyn and Wendy talk about Matthew Cable the DDI Agent assigned to guard the Hollands who at first...
DC TV PODCASTS: MAGIC WHEELCHAIR – FUNDRAISER ON JUNE 29! Podcasters unite to help Magic Wheelchair for the network’s fifth...
This week on Swamp Thing Radio Carolyn and Wendy take a very deep dive into everyone’s favorite stuntman, super hero, demon, bouncer Dan Cassidy aka...