Hayley Atwell Talks Season 2 On the Peggy Carter Podcast

From the moment she made her first appearance on Captain America: The First Avenger, Peggy Carter was a hit with fans.  They fell instantly in love with her perfect combination of action-packed heroism and genuine humanity.  That’s why they couldn’t wait to watch her new adventures during the first season of her very own TV show.

As with any series with a passionate fanbase, people continued to Tweet and talk long after the conclusion of every episode.   The next day, fans were able to listen to the Peggy Carter Podcast for more reactions, theories and observations.

With a highly-anticipated second season set to begin in January, the online talk show is starting the Agent Carter talk a little early.  They’re launching the season preview podcast on December 21st.  This time, you’ll not only get in-depth discussion on what to expect in the upcoming season, but you’ll also hear an interview with a very special guest – Hayley Atwell.

A few weeks ago, Hayley talked to Peggy Carter Podcast host & producer Scott Murray about a variety of topics, including what’s different about this season of Agent Carter.

“On the surface, I think, there’s something about the light.   We’re in L.A., so there’s a lot more sunshine,” she noted about the move from New York to L.A.  “There’s the glamor of Hollywood, and the film noir…kind of the L.A. Confidential-esque feel to it.  We have that dark underbelly of L.A. in the 40s that would involve gangsters and serial killers,” she said.

The change of scenery is not only depicted in the setting of the new season, but Atwell says you’ll see similar changes in Peggy as well.

“The other aspect of it though is that Peggy herself is in a much lighter place.  She’s secure within herself, she has her friendship very firmly rooted with Jarvis, and she’s let go of Steve.  So, she’s open to new possibilities.”

The inclusion of Jarvis in the new season was a big deal to many fans.  Atwell said that everyone involved in Agent Carter was aware of his popularity.

“We were very acutely aware of the love of Jarvis and Peggy’s relationship that happened in Season 1.  The fans and the network spoke very strongly about that, and so that’s something that we’ve cemented and developed and moved forward in this,” she said.

While the heroes generated a lot of excitement for fans, villains like Dottie were also very popular.  In the interview, Atwell talks about the important role the baddies play in Season 2.

“What is fantastic in this season is that there are two very important figures in this show, and they’re both women.  We have Gwen Everett playing Whitney Frost and we have Bridget Regan playing Dottie Underwood.  And what’s great about it is that in every sense they are equal to Peggy…if not superior.”

While fans will definitely enjoy hearing Atwell talk about the upcoming season, they’ll also hear her share thoughts on the opportunity to continue this story, her association with a character known for “I know my value”, Peggy’s inspiration in everyday life and the one big advantage of playing her in different time periods.

“The great thing is now I know the series is never going to kill me off, cause we know that she lives,” she says with a laugh.

You can hear the full interview with Hayley Atwell on December 21st on the Peggy Carter Podcast.  Marvel’s Agent Carter returns to ABC on January 19th.