Long Beach Comic Expo Marvel Report

Long Beach Comic Expo Trip Report

Long Beach Comic Expo took place at the Long Beach Convention Center on February 20-21, 2016.  The LBCC hosts two conventions annually, with the Expo in February and Long Beach Comic Con which will follow this year on September 17-18.  The Marvel Report attended LBCE in a big way this year.

While the LBCE is the little brother to the LBCC, the Expo has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years and now rivals its big brother in size.  The exhibit hall is not as big as the bigger conventions, but it’s big enough to absorb plenty of your day as you take in all of the vendors and artists.  Artists Alley is central to the floor, which is fantastic for the artists.

Saturday morning, Author Sarah Rodriguez was a featured guest at our booth.  TMR Reporter Lauren Gallaway sat down with her to discuss her book Marvel’s Agent Carter:  Season One Declassified.

Saturday afternoon was time for the Marvel cosplay meetup, hosted by The Marvel Report.  LBCE always attracts a lot of local talented cosplayers and this was no exception.  Photos by TMR Photographer Shawn Richter, with help from our friend Victor Tseng.

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Being big Agent Carter fans, we had some fun with this one.  Definitely one of my favorite photos from the convention.  That’s TMR’s own Shawn Richter (Dugan), and Jennifer Carey (Ana Jarvis) with Adria Renee (red Peggy), Chauntel (Jarvis) and Kim Romigh (blue Peggy).

LBCE Agent Carter cosplay

We were just getting started because later that day was our inaugural panel – Marvelous Cosplay with The Marvel Report.  Moderated by TMR’s Lauren Gallaway, panelists included:  Sarah Rodriguez, Adria Renee, Julie Carter, Jonathan Wavell, Gavin Richter and Shawn Richter.

Caitlin was kind enough to put together a recap video of the 60 minute panel, thank you Caitlin:

We also got some fun photos from the panel, thanks to Chauntel who was our roving photographer.  Thank you Chauntel!

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With Saturday in the books, reporter Gavin Richter was on the scene early Sunday morning, interviewing cosplayers.  Gavin’s interviewing skills are growing, he’s making a lot of the questions up as he goes now.  Here is his full report (after he finishes his cup of coffee):

Later in the day, Reporter Carolyn Poddig (in her full Grant Ward Maveth cosplay) interviewed Writer Brandon Easton about his experience working on season two of Marvel’s Agent Carter.

As a final note, one of my favorite artists who attends a lot of the southern California conventions is Todd Nauck.  He only does a few commissions at each conventions and they go very quickly.  I have narrowly missed several times but on Sunday morning I was very first in line, and finally got a commissioned piece.  Isn’t it beautiful?  (It’s me).  I’ve already framed it and put it up in my office.  Thanks Todd!

LBCE Todd Nauck

Long Beach Comic Expo 2016 was a blast, and we at The Marvel Report look forward for more fun and games at the Long Beach Comic Con in September!