EDITORIAL: Four Marvel Characters We Want To See On Netflix



If there’s any character in the Marvel Universe that deserves a Netflix series, it’s the half-human, half-vampire vampire hunter himself, Blade. With the release of Doctor Strange fast approaching, it’s very likely Marvel will delve more into the magical realm. This makes Blade the perfect character to reintroduce to audiences.

Eric Brooks aka Blade made his big screen debut in the highly underrated self-titled 1998 flick, Blade. Blade eventually spawned a sequel and a disappointing third flick before jumping over to the small screen with a short-lived series. Since then fans (and Blade star Wesley Snipes) wanted to see the character return whether in another movie or series.

So how could Blade fit into Marvel’s Netflix/TV universe? Let me break it down for ya. The trilogy handled Blade’s world in a more scientific manner than what we’ve seen in previous vampire films. The vampires, instead of being supernatural, were merely the result of a virus. For the proposed Netflix series, Blade could be introduced through magical means. In other words, Blade and the vampires could return to their magical roots. As far as the worlds knowledge of vampires, they could remain hidden in the shadows of the Marvel universe.

Therefore, Blade would hunt them down discreetly in New York. Of course there would be Easter Eggs in each episode like maybe newspaper clippings like sightings of a bullet proof man in a hoodie fighting crime (Luke Cage), or Daredevil spotted scaling the rooftops of Hells Kitchen. You could even have cameos from supporting cast from each series. The Night Nurse for instance would be an excellent choice. And considering how she already appeared in the previous Marvel Netflix shows, why not continue the trend by having her appear in Blade? – Christian

Next: Time to wrap this thing up.