REVIEW: Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat #10 – “Highway to Hell”

Writter: Kate Leth
Penciller: Brittney Williams
Colorist: Megan Wilson
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Release Date: 9/21/16
Price: $3.99


Welcome to hell, Patsy Walker. When her ex-boyfriend, Daimon Hellstrom aka Son of Satan opens the door to the hell  dimension,  Patsy is forced to face her demons – literally.

Plot: Patsy becomes trapped in the dominion of Belial, the demon of lies. He takes her on a Christmas Carol esque trip as she visits her past, present,  men in her life and just loads of emotional baggage. He uses illusion after illusion to try to get Patsy to submit to his will but our heroine isn’t that easy. She uses her wit to convince Belial to go to another dimension to prove his power and Patsy with pals kick his butt with ease. Patsy even manages to get her exes to apologize for being grade A jerks.

StoryLeth is able to create a serious story for Patsy. The story has Patsy facing her darkest thoughts. All the while maintaining the tone of Hellcat and keeping it fun. Belial makes Patsy face her ex-flames, hoping to make her feel bad about her choices.

patsy walker

Instead, Patsy realizes her past mistakes do not define her as a person. These are mistakes she made when she was young and naive. Patsy has the power to be who she wants to be in her own present.

Leth also has a devastating scene involving Jenn.

patsy walker

Patsy facing the image of her best friend then given the reality – a corpse. Seeing Jenn brings up a lot of emotion for Patsy and it gives readers an insight into her pain. Damaged friendships hurt more than a bad relationship ever could – these are people who you share everything with, people you trust.

ArtWilliams and Wilson bring their A game to Hellcat #10. Given the opportunity to create a demonic hell landscape, Williams goes for something terrifying: a classic Patsy Walker romance comic from the 50s. As Belial takes Patsy from location to location, Williams makes the background fade away like a newspaper burning. As well as the surroundings, Patsy also moves back in time. Williams draws Patsy as she was in the old romance novels: big sad eyes, 50s clothes, and oozing just the right amount of flirt. Furthermore, Wilson amplifies the 1950s notion with as soft as possible colors. Leth makes Patsy feel the past in her pain but Williams and Wilson make readers feel the past with their art.

VerdictOne of the most human comics to date, all the while dealing with a demon from Hell. Patsy faces her inner conflict through comedic timing and just the right amount of self loathing. This is a comic series that everyone should be reading, especially this issue. Patsy casting off the demons of the past, pushing herself even closer to freedom is inspiring to read. Soon she will be able to do nothing but help the young superhumans of New York City. As a reader it makes you feel able to do anything. Hellcat remains one of Marvel’s most unique and innovative comics, issue #10 being a must buy.