Samuel L. Jackson Reveals Nick Fury and SHIELD Will Return to the MCU

Nick Fury has played a key role in the MCU since its inception. Now, it seems the popular character (accompanied by SHIELD) will return to the MCU!

In a recent interview with Coming Soon, Nick Fury himself Samuel L. Jackson was asked whether or note SHIELD still has a place in the MCU after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier:

Yeah! For sure, definitely. Why wouldn’t there be? There’s some way of fixing what they created, and hopefully somebody has that going on or Nick Fury is out there — wherever he is, probably hanging out with Jules and walking the world — figuring out what happened and how it got to that particular place. Maybe they’ll find out that all that was part of a ruse to get to something else also. That would be great. They’ll bring me back somehow, some way, for some reason. I mean, they didn’t have me around to referee the kids when they didn’t go to their rooms and got in this big old fight. We’ll see what happens.


SHIELD was last seen in the Winter Soldier while Nick Fury last made an appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The prospect of both returning to the MCU sounds exciting.

Some of what Jackson said was a little jokey, but he did bring up an interesting point: SHIELD needs to come back (officially) to fix the damages caused in their wake. Granted, Hydra had a hand in the dismantling of SHIELD, but the damage was still done in their name. So Nick Fury leading SHIELD again makes sense. With Avenger: Infinity War on its way, the heroes need all the help they can get. Also, this could be a great way to FINALLY tie the MCU to Agents of SHIELD. That last bit was too optimistic but it could happen.