REVIEW: Silk #12 – “Family Fantasy”

SILK #12
Writer: Robbie Thompson
Artist: Tana Ford
Colorist: Ian Herring
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Release Date: 9/07/2016
Price: $3.99


Ladies and gentlemen, this issue is a doozy. The 12th issue of Marvel’s Silk brings readers to the Negative Zone: dragons, evil supernatural armies and family revelations! Oh my!

PlotWe open on another flashback of Cindy’s life before the bunker, a moment with her family. Brief, yet sweet and heartbreaking. Back in the present, Cindy and company are making their way to the Negative Zone, a mysterious place even Cindy isn’t sure of. The Negative Zone becomes a setting of pure fantasy as Cindy befriends dragons, saves a village from an evil army and big shocks for Cindy.

StoryThompson creates a fantasy wonderland in the pages of this issue. Our brave hero literally has to face her demons with the big bad of the Ash King, and figuratively with her Mother. While readers watch Silk fight alongside the Red Knight, they become attached to this new friendship. The pair make a good team. There seems to be a trust there that is essential to all partnerships.


Then the issue finishes with the shock that is the revelation of Red Knight’s identity. Thompson makes the emotional reveal feel real, a rare feat in comic books.  With big battles, new powers (holy cool web armor Cindy!) and unique new lands, the effectiveness of the ending was just icing on the cake of an amazing issue

When an issue is built around a big reveal at the end, writers often have problems with the rest of the issue. However, Thompson kept this issue packed with action and helped keep readers interested throughout. Then, BAM!, the reveal happens on that last page. Now, readers (myself included!) are patiently waiting the next issue to see where Cindy goes from here.

Art: Ford and Herring deliver the goods this issue. The work of this art team is shaping up to be some of the best comic art of the year. Ford creates spectacular landscapes that are rich in detail and beautiful to admire. This can be seen in the panel below.


One aspect that makes Ford such a wonderful artist is her ability to draw attention to the characters in a panel. The backdrop is gorgeous and your eye naturally would be drawn there. However, Ford keeps the attention to detail in the character’s faces and body language, keeping them as interesting as their backdrop.

Ian Herring brings a lot to the table with his coloring this issue. Mirroring the fantasy world Thompson created, his colors are blue and neutral in the backdrops yet the Ash King and Red Knight are vibrant. Thanks to Herring’s contrast, readers can almost feel the blood pulsing in the characters this issue. The landscape is dark and dead, while the characters are full of color and alive.

VerdictA lull in Cindy’s story seems near impossible, as every issue brings about something new and exciting in her journey. The threads are coming together, but now what? With an issue that felt like it couldn’t get much better , it was able to set up the next issue with such suspense. The creative team behind Silk is always pushing their boundaries with their plot and art, and have proven themselves to be a team to be reckoned with. Silk remains one of Marvel’s best titles. With a $3.99 price tag, readers are getting an amazing story at standard comic price.  I can’t wait to see what’s  in store for Cindy next.