Supergirl Radio

Supergirl Radio Season 2 – Episode 2: The Last Children of Krypton

In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, Carly LaneMorgan Glennon, and Rebecca Johnson discuss the Supergirl season two episode titled “The Last Children of Krypton” as well as the news, including DC Fans and the first look at James Olsen as Guardian! Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio covers The CW’s Supergirl!

Official Description by The CW for Supergirl 2.02“CADMUS attacks National City with a kryptonite powered villain who ends up seriously hurting Supergirl. Superman blames Hank because the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Meanwhile, Kara’s first day at her new job doesn’t go as planned after she meets her new boss, Snapper Carr. Guest Stars include Tyler Hoechlin (Superman/Clark Kent), Ian Gomez (Snapper Carr), Brenda Strong (Cadmus Scientist), Frederick Schmidt (John Corben/Metallo), Rich Ting (Dr. Gilcrist/Metallo 2).”

Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Supergirl), Calista Flockhart (Cat Grant), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Mehcad Brooks (James Olsen), David Harewood (Hank Henshaw) and Jeremy Jordan (Winslow “Winn” Schott). WRITTEN BY: Robert Rovner and Caitlin Parrish. DIRECTED BY: Glen Winter.

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  1. Great podcast episode!

    “Last Children…” was pretty well-rounded in terms of action, family drama, heartfelt scenes and lighter ones. With so much going on, I wasn’t missing any romance at all. All-in-all, it’s actually a strong episode for positive platonic relationships. Your whole life doesn’t have to revolve around a significant other (or pursuit thereof)!

    Ian Gomez’s Snapper Car was a big bright spot for me. Supergirl is already pretty sugary and over-the-top in places (heh, see The Doctor!), so I was worried I’d only see him as his bubbly Mayor Andy cartoon, but his performance totally erased that in seconds. You need a little salty to balance the sweet and he brought it.

    Lots of possible nitpicks, but none show breaking for me. Just retroactive commenting for fun.

    1. CADMUS coming out video was not really sympathetic and “MWHAHA!” levels of evil. If you’re trying to convince people to turn on their heroes, try harder not to be an obvious creepy super-villain organization with a terrifying robot-puppet-head!

    2. Alex wearing the exoskeleton allows her to hit hard, but it shouldn’t allow her to take a punch to the head from Metallo. It works in Season 1 because you could argue the Kryptonite weakened any Kryptonian punching Alex (to make the hit survivable), but nothing about the exo-suit should weaken Metallo. Just chalk it up to Metallo inexplicably not using much force in that particular punch I guess?

    3. Is Metallo dead? I don’t expect the show to get too philosophical about it, but given how graphic the takedown and the tone of the show, I thought we’d get a “He’s totally fine, really!” nod. Maybe I missed it… or maybe that’s what the camera eye conversation was meant to convey? Basically, it wasn’t as obvious as with the Metallo 2… having his heart ripped out, he was still looking around and alive. With Corben, he bleeds out Kal and Kara are kinda keen about a weirdly Mortal Kombat maneuver!

    4. A nitpick preempted! When you see Winn’s anti-K shields, you know the badguys should go for them, but expect TV tropes to protect the shields. But to the show’s credit, the badguys DID break them!

    I’m super excited for the next episode. Lynda Carter, Maggie Sawyer, our awakened pod-person, and I think we’re leaving season setup territory and getting into the season proper. Kat will be missed. We got about the right dosage of Clark too, not overstaying his welcome or overtaking the show.

  2. I thought superman said. “I got to go cool last time” as in – I blew out the fire of the spaceship so you can blow out the fire this time?” Maybe I missheard – but I definitely think they intentially made them look show boaty (as put by MM) just to show how much SG was enjoying having SM around – kind of showing of to each other a little and flexing their muscles 🙂 (as family does)

  3. Now that you mention it, there wasn’t any romance in the episode at all, was there? And you know…I’m fine with that, too!

    I’m curious to see what Ian Gomez’s Snapper gets up to this season. Great point about him being the salty to the sweet of the show. I’m sure he’ll be Kara’s gruff boss who gives her a hard time, but it might be nice to see his relationship with her grow over the season. He’s definitely a character I’m going to have my eyes on 🙂

    1. You have a fair point about CADMUS. Their presentation was pretty scary.

    2. I noticed that punch as well. Must be an oversight on the part of the fight choreographers. It’s one thing for her to take a punch to the suit, but a superpowered punch to the face would probably do serious damage or even kill her.

    3. I couldn’t decide if Metallo was dead or not. From what I’ve seen and understood from other incarnations, if Metallo has his power source removed, he’s dead. But, maybe it’s a thing where he could get a new bit of Kryptonite in there and he powers or wakes back up? I’m not sure. Superman said he was putting him in a corner to think about what he’d done so…maybe that was the show’s way of saying it was no big deal? But, even so, that seems to downplay the violent nature of what they had to do to stop Metallo.

    4. I agree that I was glad to see that the anti-K shields were broken because at one point, I started thinking “Well, why don’t the Metallos just aim the Green K at another part of their bodies instead of straight at their chests?”

    Thanks for your comments and insight!

  4. We may only be two episodes in, but this season has been awesome so far.

    As Carly and Morgan observed, Clark’s and Kara’s carefree attitude was not presented in the most positive light, as evidenced by the way they majorly inconvenienced the DEO by neglecting to keep them in the loop. Rebecca seemed so focused on being put-off by their devil-may-care behavior that she apparently missed that that was kind of the point.

    While I liked the scene where they took out the two crooks, partly because it seemed almost like an homage to George Reeves’ Superman- very reminiscent of something you’d see on the 50s series- I will agree that Superman and Supergirl probably should have stuck around to make sure the cops arrested those guys. Also, I couldn’t help wondering about the car they let smash into them. It might very well have been stolen. If so, I hope the owner has excellent insurance.

    As for the scene where the cousins threatened to incinerate Metallo, they may have been bluffing. Then again, I’ve noticed that in the comics I’ve read, Superman’s strict moral code has a convenient blind spot when it comes to artificial lifeforms of any sort.

    I suppose they needed a way to explain why Superman wasn’t involved with the DEO, but his anti-kryptonite attitude was a little unreasonable. I mean, it’s kind of hypocritical that he’s not equally upset that DEO agents carry guns, even though those can kill regular people. I really do like Tyler Hoechlin as Superman, though.

    I also liked Ian Gomez as Snapper Carr. Although he’s mainly a jerk right now, I could definitely see him and Kara potentially developing a Lou Grant/ Mary Richards dynamic down the road. I most remember Gomez from his role on Felicity, even though I never watched a single episode of that show. However, a commercial he did in which he said in a lisping Spanish accent, “She’s so Felicity” is firmly wedged in my mind. I still think of that pretty much every time I watch Arrow and Emily Bett Rickards is on screen.

  5. Just a quick note, because your mention of the question of Alex’s prospective medical career, prompted me to recall mention of it in the show. However, it turns out it was on the disc set, in a deleted scene from “Manhunter”: Kara refers to Alex pursuing a “PhD MD”. On the air, though, she IS described as a bioengineer, which is often synonymous with biomedical engineer as, until relatively recently, it has been a profession primarily focused on medical/healthcare issues. So, that would have been the medical career Alex was headed for before she joined the DEO. Of course, we have, from time to time, gotten to see/hear that she does still get to “practice” within the scope of her DEO duties.

  6. Meg is correct; there is a typo in the title of this episode of Supergirl Radio. It should read “Season 2 – Episode 2,” not “Episode 1”