Kevin Feige Says Inhumans Movie Will Happen reported Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed an Inhumans movie will happen. Inhumans was announced as one of the phase three movies, but then it was removed from Marvel’s release calendar. There have been rumors of Inhumans being cancelled altogether. Feige says the movie will definitely happen, however there aren’t many specifics yet.

Now Feige says Inhumans may happen in phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is possible Inhumans will be released in 2020 on one of the three dates Marvel has reserved for unnamed movies. Feige explained,

“I think Inhumans will happen for sure. I don’t know when. I think it’s happening on television. And I think as we get into Phase 4 as I’ve always said, it could happen as a movie. I think it would be super cool.”

The Inhumans are a group descended from humans which the alien Kree experimented on. All Inhumans are humans with Kree DNA. When they encounter Terrigen Mist all Inhumans gain special abilities, but many change physically too. The Inhumans have always stayed secluded from the rest of the world in Attilan, led by Medusa and Black Bolt.

Agents of SHIELD brought Inhumans to the small screen starting in season 2 and really explored their mythology season 3 on.