Fox Launches Logan Website To Promote Film

I’m continuously amazed by the detail that’s put into promoting films, particularly comic book movies.  We live in an age where no matter how you dress up the characters oftentimes it’s the same story. There’s a protagonist, an antagonist, they fight, people feel good about themselves or bad depending and the internet is left to discuss it.  There’s an art to promoting the film from working with Legion on FX and Captain America: Civil War to Batman Vs. Superman and Suicide Squad.  The trick is to market the film in a different or unique way, and today Fox and Legion stepped up to the plate with

The website offers a free postcard containing a still from the film and asks that people share their stills via social media using the hashtag #OneLastTime. Given the darker premise of the film it’d make sense to unite everyone in this exercise (especially given that this is the last time that Hugh Jackman will appear as Wolverine on screen?) plus giving people a cool keepsake of the film for diehard X-men and wolverine fans.

I signed up for a still this morning, both out of a desire to see what’s coming (will the stills contain spoilers? hints? pictures of Dafne Keen aka Laura Kinney?) or will they simply be gorgeous pieces of artwork?  Take a look at some of these images that Logan has been promoting.

If these stills are anything like this then the 2 seconds it took to add my name is well worth the wait and with a rumored trailer in the works for January Logan is proving to be the superhero film to watch this coming March.  The interplay of light and color! The shadow! This is not the look of the wolverine I’ve followed through countless X-men films and I couldn’t be happier.

Excited? Intrigued? Sign up but hurry, as the website says, there are only 1,974 stills left available.  Be sure to share yours via social media using #OneLastTime and with us in the comments below if you make it True Believers.

Logan premieres March 3rd 2017.