Iron Fist Images Slowly But Surely Paint A Picture Of An Unseen New York


Marvel’s Iron Fist, The final chapter before the team-up event The Defenders, is slowly but surely ramping up it’s ad campaign.  From trailers at New York Comic Con to our first glimpse of official Iron Fist images depicting cast and characters, they paint a picture of an unseen New York City that we haven’t previously seen in Netflix’s corner of the MCU.

Famously billed as “A hard hitting look at the once percent” by series creator Jeff Leob, we get a glimpse of Rand’s family – the Meachums.  Fans of Iron Fist will be aware that Danny has an almost Hamlet like quality to his story, having been billed as left for dead only to return and discover his family fortune in the hands of an interloper.

We also get a glimpse of Colleen Wing, Danny’s sidekick and eventual partner.  While Rand is the focus of the story, Colleen has already connectd with multiple characters in the story.  Sharp eyed Luke Cage viewers caught that Rosario Dawson picks up a flyer for one of Colleen Wing’s defense classes, and the images of Danny and Colleen have her taking the lead on multiple occasions while using her Katana to fight evil.

In the case of Iron Fist these images paint a picture of Colleen working at a dojo and seemingly relaxed, something we don’t suspect she’ll be doing a lot of during Iron Fist, or it’s follow-up The Defenders to which she is a confirmed member.  Working in a dojo, we see her working with students and Finn taking some time to offer some instruction of the students themselves.

In the gallery below we’ve done our best to collect our favorites of the current Iron Fist images on the internet including more of Colleen, Joy (Danny’s potential love interest perhaps?), Ward Meachum, her brother, and more.  From the three new images today to the others that have been trickling slowly into the hands of the audience it’s very clear that Danny Rand will paint a picture of a New York that’s unlike anything we’ve seen before.  Check out the synopsis and the New York Comic Con trailer below.  Iron Fist is set to premiere March 17th, 2017.

Returning to New York City after being missing for years, Daniel Rand fights against the criminal element corrupting New York City with his incredible kung-fu mastery and ability to summon the awesome power of the fiery Iron Fist.