Ryan Reynolds Receives Hollywood Walk of Fame Star, Congratulated By All.

Hollywood turns out for one of their own and nowhere is it more true then with Ryan Reynolds and his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Celebration.  From fans and their appreciation for his iconic performance as Deadpool to the support of his fellow cast members, today was a day that few would forget.

It began with a nifty little congratulatory piece of marketing from – Reynolds himself?

Nope. In a nod to the Deadpool film (fans might remember that Wade wore a Hugh Jackman mask to cover up the mutations caused by him using the serum in a hilarious joke moment.) Jackman congratulated Reynolds on his honor. Who knew there was a Canadian walk of fame?

Meanwhile, the event attracted a number of Deadpool cosplayers who shared their excitement for the experience via social media:

The ceremony taking place at 11:30 am PST featured a collection of talent from Anna Faris to Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick.  Rheese and Wernick co-wrote the screenplay for Deadpool.  They also partnered on his upcoming film Life set for March 24th.

With a career spanning from 1991 in the Canadian Drama Hillside which aired as Fifteen on Nickelodeon to Deadpool, Reynolds credits include Just Friends, Woman in Gold, The Safe House, The Amityville Horror, X-Men: Origins (As Wade Wilson) and the DC property Green Lantern.  He’s married to actress Blake Lively and the couple have two children.

Make sure to send your congratulations via social media to Reynolds on twitter and don’t forget to tune in and see if Deadpool takes home a Golden Globe for comedic performances! Not too bad for a Chimichanga eating anti-hero if we do say so ourselves!

What do you think about Reynolds’s win and Deadpool’s Golden Globe nominations? Sound off in the comments below!