The Flash Podcast

The Flash Podcast Special Edition: Comic Roundtable Of The Flash #1-12 (DC Rebirth)

On a Special Edition episode of The Flash Podcast, your hosts Andy Behbakht and Andrew Dyce are joined by the website’s comic book reviewer, Tatiana Hullender. For this episode, the trio discusses and reviews the first 12 issues of the current Flash comic series by Joshua Williamson since DC Rebirth began. The three arcs they go through are “Lightning Strikes Twice” which is between #1-8, “Kid Flash of Two Worlds” for #9 and then “Speed of Darkness” that took place between #10-12 which recently ended. Throughout the discussion, they discuss some of these following questions:

-How was GodSpeed as the latest speedster villain for Barry Allen to fight?

-What were the ups and downs with the Speed Force Storm affecting Central City?

-How did they enjoy Wally West’s arc of becoming Kid Flash?

-What was it like seeing two Wally Wests’ interact with one another?

-Is Jay Garrick possibly returning somehow to this universe?

-What were their thoughts on the latest mini-arc “Speed of Darkness” featuring Shade?

-Are they excited about the next storyline that will debut in January 2017 titled “Rogues Reloaded”?

In addition, they discuss a couple of news items related to the TV show with Jessica Camacho being cast as Gypsy and the potential that Barry is getting a new suit! That and more on the special edition episode of The Flash Podcast! If you want to check out the comic series yourself, you can get them digitally on Comixology or Read DC Entertainment!

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